Friday, November 23, 2012

Spelling-Nov. 26-30

Group 1- swing, bring, thing, spend, shop, drop, fresh,
Group 2, slept, chest, spend, desk, bench, swing, think, stick, bring, drink
Group 3- chapter, children, through, shiny, finish, clothes, thought, shoulder, chocolate

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Maps and Math Games

Checking out all kinds of maps.

  Playing Break the Bank! A good game to practice counting money as well as tens and ones.


We are finishing up our unit on numbers to 100. A big part of this unit is learning to estimate and use an appropriate referent. For example if there are about 50 objects or less, we would choose 5 as a referent. We count out 5 of the items, see about how much space it takes up or how much it looks like. Then we quickly eyeball the items and count by 5s. For amounts that we think are over 50, we use 10 as a referent.
After estimating then we must correctly count the amount of items. Students are encouraged to count by 2s, 5s and 10s- grouping the items as they go. If they are counting a larger amount of items and are counting by 2s, I encourage them to count by 2s but put them into piles of 10 as they count. This way if they get mixed up they don't have to start all over again- they can just recount the piles of ten which is much faster than recounting by 2s.

Also in this unit is being able to represent numbers to 100 in a variety of ways-particularly looking at the place value. We had an example in our agenda the other day.

I hope this gives you  a better idea of what is expected at this grade level.


I have been spending every spare minute on report cards lately so haven't been posting. There are new report cards that are significantly different- a different computer program, a different way of doing comments etc. so on top of continual assessment a bit of a learning curve for the actual report card as well. I finally got around to finding the muffin recipe that we made at Halloween. Many of the parents asked for the recipe so here it is..

Pumpkin Muffins

4 eggs
2 cups sugar
1  1/2 cups veg. oil
2 cups mashed pumpkin
3 cups flour
1 tsp vanilla
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 cup choc chips

Beat the eggs, sugar and oil. Mix in all of the other ingredients, adding the choc. chips last. Spoon the mixture in the muffin cups. Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes. This recipe makes a very generous size of 24 muffins.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Good Math Sites

Here are a few links to some fun math games that work on the tens and one place value concepts that we are currently working on.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Spelling Nov. 13-16

This week we will be studying the sound of short e. Students often confuse this sound with short a so we will be doing exercises with words with both sounds. As always, we will be working with word families, rhyming words and adding word endings to our list words.

Group 1-went, bed, let, yet, help, end, next
Group 2-bed,step, them,sled, felt, then, rest, went, tent, send, bend, test
Group 3-else, enjoy, pencil, shovel, travel, myself, whenever, twelve, twenty, fence

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Here are some pictures of our Halloween baking activity. Some parents have asked for the recipe. Believe it or not in all my cleanup I misplaced the recipe. Once report cards are over I will go looking through my home recipes for the one I used. 


In Math we are working on "tens and ones."  We are taking numbers up to               
    100 apart and looking at how they are made up of tens and ones. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

November 5-8

There will not be a spelling list this week. We will be having a big quiz that will help us see the progress we are making in our spelling.  It is not a quiz that one studies for.

I am sending home a book order for November. If you wish to order anything for Christmas gifts, put the order in an envelope and make sure you write on the envelope that the items are for gifts. I'll get the gifts to you once the items arrive.

We had so much fun this week cooking our muffins on Halloween. I "renamed" all of the ingredients into spooky themed ingredients such as powdered ghost, ground bones and werewolf turds (their favourite). This was our non-fiction reading. One of the outcomes in our Language Arts curriculum is that students recognize different types of texts. Recognizing a letter, poem, recipe etc. would come under this outcome. It was a fun way to incorporate this outcome into our day. It was also a good way to practice sequencing which we did once we were back in the classroom.